Modify the SD Card Start Image


1. Download the img file from official website  ( For example, download a Debix-Model-A.img file.

2. Copy it to the ubuntu system.

3. Remount command:

$ mkdir root boot

$ sudo losetup -f --show Debix-Model-A.img

[sudo] password for debix:

/dev/loop0   --ps. Loop0 is return point

$ sudo kpartx -va /dev/loop0

$ sudo mount /dev/mapper/loop0p2 root/

$ sudo mount /dev/mapper/loop0p1 boot/

NOTE:boot partition stores the kernel file

           root partition stores the file system

4. Flash uboot to img.

sudo dd if=imx-boot-imx8mpevk-sd.bin-flash_evk of=/dev/loop0 bs=1k seek=32 conv=fsync

5. Copy the kernel file.

    a. Copy the Image and dtb files to the boot partition

    b. Copy modules to root/lib/modules

6. Copy the custom img to the root partition.

7. Unmount.

$ sudo umount root boot

$ sudo kpartx -d /dev/loop0

$ sudo losetup -d /dev/loop0