DEBIX Wi-Fi Hotspot Setting


DEBIX Wi-Fi Hotspot Setting

Command method:

1. Switch to root user

sudo su

2. Turn on wifi

nmcli radio wifi on

3. Create a wifi hotspot

nmcli dev wifi hotspot ifname wlan0 ssid debix_ap password "12345678"

  • ifname wlan0: Specify wlan0 as the name of the Wi-Fi device
  • ssid debix_ap: Specify the Wi-Fi network name. Here, the SSID is set to "debix_ap".
  • password "12345678": Specify the password of the wifi hotspot as "12345678".


4. Check the wifi name and password

nmcli dev wifi show-password

5. Check the status of the network device

nmcli dev status

Interface method:

1. Click Turn on to open wifi, click Wi-Fi Settings.

2. Click the icon in the upper right corner and click Turn on Wi-Fi hotspot.

3. Type the hotspot name and password and click Turn on.

4. You can turn on the Wi-Fi hotspot by the above steps and view the Wi-Fi hotspot name and password in the Wi-Fi Settings interface.